Washington January 11th 1864
To Hamalin(?) & Josie
A few days ago I received a letter from you but have not have had time to reply to it until now. I got back from
Joseph's safe and sound after an absence of twenty two days. I enjoyed myself very well. I am well and in good
spirits at this time. I suffer considerable from the cold, not having been used to it for so long. I am still on
detached service as bearer of dispatches I ride thirty miles every day. I leave camp about 9 o'clock in the
morning arrive in Washington about one o'clock and remain in the city until the next day consequently I am only in
camp over night being on the road and in the city the balance of my time.
We have not received any pay since the first of October and will not receive any until the middle of March it makes
it pretty tough on the boys. Thirteen dollars is but a pitiful sum at most and to do with-out is hard the
consequence is we must all suffer more or less for many little necessaries with which to make us
comfortable. Uncle Sam charges such exorbitant prices for articles of wearing apparel and they are nothing more than just thrown
together take them all together it is nothing more than mere trash for making money out of this poor private. I
have quit buying government clothing I get my clothes made to order and then it is of some service to me. That is
why I am so short of money at this time and am likely to remain so during the balance of this winter it cost me
forty one dollars to go out and see Joseph the fare alone was thirty five dollars and twenty-eight cents so you can
see I did not have any thing to spare unnecessarily. Well I don't see that this war is going to close for two or
three years to come at least it does not look much like it at present. I think they will almost swamp the country
by paying such large bounties to old regiments to get them to recruit over. They are paying as high as nine
hundred dollars bounty in some states to veteran soldiers the government paying four hundred and two dollars an
their respective states paying the balance I will endeavor to serve my time out honorably but will never reenlist I
have seen enough of the service to suit me I dont want to see any of my friends in the army they can see hard times
enough elsewhere with-out going into the army to see it.
Uncle Benjamin seems to be unlucky getting burnt out again now what is he going to do and cous Sarah I suppose is
married before this time. if you see any of them give them my kind regards tell them I am well and enjoying my
self after the fashion of a soldier. remember me to Father & Mother Williams and Sarah Carrie and all inquiring
friends nothing more but remain your brother.
Stephan F. Landis
Co. F. 2nd. Mass Cav
To broth Hamalin
& sister Josie