The Second Mass and Its Fighting CaliforniansA Reference site of images, articles, artifacts of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry including the Cal 100 and the Cal Battalion.
Articles and References
2nd Mass Flag PageRegimental DemographicsRegimental InsigniaValorus Dearborn's DiaryLt. Charles Roberts DiaryThe Journal and Colt of George BuhrerCaptured by Mosby's Men (Dranesville/Anker's Shop)Leesburg Skirmish: from two perspectivesYankee Davis: Colonel Lowell's Scout2nd Mass' Medals of HonorLetter from Philip Baybutt (MOH winner)Reception of the California CompanyMosby Baptizes the Californians (Mt. Zions Church)John Cain's Andersonville TestimonyLt. Parker comments on MosbyPatriot Preacher: Thomas Starr KingPvt. McCarthy's One Page HistoryAKA Charles HillCorporal Hanscom's Letters HomeExecution of a TraitorA Mutineer's BulletCharlie Binns, Union Man and ScoutPringle Letters, the capture and death of a trooperSgt. Wakefield and the Little White ChurchPersonal Recollections of George TowleThe Golden AgeWho Killed Captain Reed?Graves at ArcolaSurgeon Johnson's FateMemorials: A Photographic Album of our Veterans' Grave Sites"The Scout" a poem by by Herman Melville
Life and Letters of Charles Russell Lowell, Captain Sixth United States Cavalry, Colonel Second Massachusetts Cavalry, Brigadier General United States Volunteers. Lowell, Charles Russell, edited by Edward Waldo Emerson. Boston: 1907. "The Sojourn of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry in Vienna."
by Harrison, Noel. Northern Virginia Heritage, 7 (June 1985), pp. 11-12.
and from the Southern perspective: |