The Second Mass and Its Fighting CaliforniansA Reference site of images, articles, artifacts of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry including the Cal 100 and the Cal Battalion.
The materials on these pages are reproduced here for the express purpose of private study only, and must not be further reproduced or distributed in any way without the written permission of the actual owners of the items depicted. The Webmaster has no power to authorize use and when requested will supply the owners name and contact information if not already cited with the item depicted. In some cases the source only is cited and it is up to the user to secure permission for use by contacting that source and seeking permission from rightful owners. Images: Co.'s B, C, D, G, H, I, & KOver 2500 men served in the Second Massachusetts. If you have an image of one of them, please send it to for inclusion in this reference site. (click image for enlargement, click on [bio] for additional biography pages)